A long and classical rock climb with great character which finishes on top of the mountain. The final part of the climb being a traverse of the summit ridge which in itself is worth a visit.

Dos Hermanos
A wild and exciting climb up two isolated towers situated amongst some of the most beautiful mountain scenery on the Costa Blanca.
This route must rate as one of the best, at its grade, in the area for mountain rock climbing. It also includes a spectacular Tyrolean traverse

Lomo de Leon
A superb rock wall to climb on. The rock is very sound and protection on most of the routes is excellent. Most routes require a full rack and double ropes are more useful than single, although 60-70m single ropes will be sufficient on most climbs.
You can climb here at most times of the year. Climbing in spring through to fall is good. It gets the sun early in the morning, until 11-00 am. Descents via bolt abseils

Haunted Walls
This dramatic area has several powerful lines on Perfect rock. As its name implies it does have a haunted and magical feel to it, so silent and peaceful. On first sight it is jaw dropping.

Penya Roc
Magnificent rock climbs which tackle this very impressive buttress. The climbing is interesting and challenging through outs the whole climb. Protection is good. All the belays are bolted

Toix Sea Cliffs
A superb adventure climbing area. The rock is mainly perfect and natural protection can be found in the most unlikely places. The rock architecture is awesome, overhanging most of the time but with some routes, particularly Rowland’s Magical Mystery Tour, finding their way through with surprising ease.

Guadalest Upper & Lower Buttress
27 Trad Routes with easy access in the Guadalest Valley. From V Diff to E3

Aguja del Pilar
Four superb adventure routes in a remote, yet easy accessible location. The Cynical Pinnacle route tackle an amazing hanging finger of rock high on the face.

Puig Campana
3 new multi pitch routes on the south face from 6b to 7a
Both sport and trad
New descriptions of old ENP routes on the Puig Campana.

Pleasure domes
A series of domes, which are the actual peaks of the rock walls of Penya Roc. Although Penya rock is best seen from the Guadalest valley road, the pleasure Domes are best viewed from the Sella valley as they make up the head of the valley and face that direction. The actual rock on the routes is excellent, most of the climbs use lower offs before this point is reached.

Olta Realet Menor – N Face Catsellets
3 fantastic climbs on the North face of the Castellets.

A very tranquil and beautiful area to climb. This wall faces east so can be quite cold during winter in the afternoons.